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True Worship

True Worship Worship can transform your life forever! What a simple statement, yet so powerful and profound. If we truly recognized, understand and accept the true concept of worship, our lives cannot be the same again. Having the true concept of worship is what we need as christian worshipers. worship is a verb, it is something we do with every breath we take. A common misconception of worship is that it is an entertaining showcase for a talent soprano or a lecture on textual criticism or just a pleasant weekly reunion of friends and family. This is the furthest thing from the truth. if we should cherish such ideas, it would be easy for you to desist from going to church and worshiping God because of the Pastor, Elders, Leaders or any other fellow members. True worship must be a joyous celebration. A celebration of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, our Saviour and Christ. When we actively turn our entire being to God in earnest praise of His greatness and loving mercies, God in turn will speak to us, and bestow on us blessings from above. I challenge you today to turn your heart to Jesus in total worship not to Leaders who are worshipers ourself. Have A Blessed Day.
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