The world is changing. It is growing old, cold and lifeless. When consider the rapid escalate of crime and violence in my ‘very backyard’ it is alarming. Young men are no longer fearful of swearing, fighting or grafting on the church premises.
People like never before are facing crisis from all walks of life; financial burdens, marital tornadoes, human and natural disasters, terminal diseases, family breakdowns, the grief of the death of a love one, and the list is by no means exhausted.
The fact is, with all these perplexities hearts are broken and lives are shattered and there is a dying need for help to mend these desperate cases. God placed called us to be a co-worker with Him for the healing of broken hearts and lives. We are to give light in this dark world and give hope to this hopeless world. The Good News ‘Gospel of Jesus Christ’ is to heal broken hearts. The gospel is an invitation for humanity to accept the Healer, Redeemer and Saviour. Jesus Himself invites us to come to Him. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. The gospel is simply presenting sight to a blind man, life to a dead man or strength to a weak man. In other words the Gospel is presenting the Healer ‘Jesus’ to a Sin sick world. There are so many who needs a reminder that they do not have to fight their battle for themselves. All they need to do is to submit their will to the will of God. In these last few seconds of earths history. As God’s Remnant Church of Bible prophecy, ours is the sacred duty to relentlessly and enthusiastically engage in exposing people to the Joy of living a life in submission to God.
Pastor LG